2011 DUB Show Tour – Chicago Recap

Thanks to my client Check My Ride, I had a chance to check out the Dub Show Tour in Chicago this past weekend.

But the real treat was having Dub founder & CEO Myles Kovacs stop by the agency last Friday to talk about his journey from a being a kid in East L.A. to being named one of the 10 Big Thinkers for Big Business by Newsweek.

Myles offered so many interesting insights, and we could have listened to him speak all day, but two things really stood out for me:

  • People always talk about the cup being half-full or half-empty, but Myles talked about “right-sizing” your life, so if you just have a smaller cup, it would actually be overflowing. It’s so logical but such an over-looked solution.
  • Myles is a fast thinker & do-er. He talked about how when you’re moving really fast, things around you actually slow down – similar to NBA players who talk about how they can see the action around them very clearly even when things are moving at lightening speed. It’s the people who move slow that feel like everything around them is racing past.
That second thought especially spoke to me, because it’s so true. Sometimes when you’re passionate about a number of things and trying to keep up with your career, plus your passions & side projects, plus your friends & family, it can seem overwhelming. But then again it almost seems like the more you do, the more momentum you gain and the more things fall into place.
After a motivating two hours with Myles, I was ready for the Dub Show on Saturday. I confess, I’m not especially knowledgeable about cars, but I know what I like. And seeing Big Black as emcee was definitely a highlight! Enjoy the photos of my favs & check out the Check My Ride FB page for more photos
Can’t go wrong with purple
My future car
Crazy dash!

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