January 2012: Drive

“Passion sends us signs that guide us through our lives, and it’s up to us to interpret those signs.” –Eleven Minutes

So I got this beautiful 2012 planner by Paulo Coelho, featuring quotes from his books and artwork from Catalina Estrada. Sidenote: I am LOVING Catalina’s designs! Anyways, each month has a theme, and January’s is Drive.

I really want to embrace these themes as 2012 goes by. So in January, I’m going to focus on moving forward and just doing things. I’ve had a minor obsession with Ancient Egypt for years, so when I saw a course about it in my inbox, I decided to just go for it and sign up. Other things on my to-do list for January: keep blogging more regularly, visit Milwaukee for the Cleopatra exhibit, kick ass at work (even more than usual, of course), host a 2012 dinner party for my girls, and just do as many things as possible.

I love the quote above, which is featured on one of the pages, because I always try to be driven by my passions. Oftentimes, I’ve seen an opportunity pop up that is in line with one of my passions, whether it’s a class or lecture or event or person to connect with. At the moment I often don’t know what it will do for me or how it will fit into things, but usually when I take advantage of these opportunities, they always end up building into something meaningful over time. Sometimes it takes weeks, or months, or even years, but it’s amazing when everything just comes together.

What passions are you pursuing? Have you ever seen the signs sent by your passions and pursued them to great outcomes?


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